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Development Projects | Economies thrive, above all, through permanent change. What is good already is improved, new ideas and projects are developed and what is obsolete is replaced. This process of renewal guarantees the best possible allocation of resources. Optimisation, which is especially important in a scarce commodity like land. Development projects come in all sizes and shapes, from a plot with building permission, to residential buildings in city centres with development potential or an attic which can be turned into apartments and to turn key dprojects. Developments can be taken over by investors at various stages in the value-add chain.

Within its business segment developments, eb Service GmbH can offer all possible variations. No matter whether the owner of a building plot is looking for the right idea for the location and an investor, or an investor brings in capital but is looking for the right location and idea for a real estate investment or whether there is a business idea and it needs captial and the right location.

eb Service GmbH cooperates in the marketing of properties with building permissions and in facilitating forward and forward financing deals with well established developers in Austria and Germany and covers all asset classes with the exception of logistics.